Wednesday, April 05, 2006

you have to feeeeed a cold.

I keep thinking of a commercial that was on at least 10 years ago for some medicine where everyone was giving this person advice (old wivestales) on how to treat a cold. The one thing that sticks in my mind was the older, bald deli-dude throwing a huge sub in our face saying, "You have to feeeed a cold!" He would accentuate the word feed, and his pitch went up a little. Just thought I'd share that bit of nonsense w/ you all.

los dos paseos.

I've ridden several times since my last ride entry, but I think that I'm just going to post the last 2. I'm still fighting something that I can't really feel. I'm not coughing or anything like that, but I still have that damn infection in my throat. I've been avoiding antibiotics but this has gone on long enough. The rides themselves have been uneventful to say the least; I just needed to get outside and do something other than what I'm doing now (typing). I'm feeling stronger but there is something there, that I'm guessing is me fighting my infection, that's holding me back. It could be in my head as I've been so sick for so long.

One thing I did notice about the first of the two was how my heart rate reacted "normally" but I wasn't sucking wind when I was pushing it. That felt odd being that I'm not in shape whatsoever.


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