Saturday, March 11, 2006

ride data: 3/5/06 technical difficulties

ride so nice; recovery? what recovery?
I'm just going to be short w/ this one. This post is a week late 'cuz I got super-sick early Monday morning. Chicken or the egg; I'm guessing that I got ahold of some bad sushi first, then I got nailed by some type of virus that had my temp up over 100°. I wasn't able to eat anything substantial until Wednesday. Needless to say, I'm still recovering. I haven't been sick like that in a long time. My digestion is still suspect even today.

On the ride side, I had "good sensations" (as the pro's say) in the legs today. All climbs were finished a slight sprint effort just to see if they could react to the change of pace. The reactions were better than positive as they felt invigorated to be pushed! They're starting to feel like where I was when I started to slack. At least I know this is the earliest in the season I've ever felt my legs respond in this manner. Pretty stoked brah! I just have to get the rest of the engine in tune w/ the legs.

The inset is the split from the finish of the ride; it's the split from the middle of the ride you see in the main image. This is where you can see how your finish was. On the days that there's been wind, you can definitely see the differences. I did just noticed that the split has the a gradient percentage logged. That's available nowhere else in the program, and that's the first I've seen of it. I've always wanted to know that the gradient of some of the climbs in the area are like in comparison to races in Europe. I'll have to play w/ this one.


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