Monday, August 07, 2006

who'da known?

This could be filed under tech and design, but since this is Blogger, and not Wordpress, I got no catagories. So I'll go w/ what sparked the need to fill the web w/ more useless bandwidth hogging.

I was playing follow the links starting after watching DiggNation's #51 podcast (I know I'm behind). They were showing the new features of Digg 3.0. During Kevin's address they showed the new Digg Labs analyzation tools which were developed w/ their partners Stamen Design. I'm intrested in design, so I looked them up. They've done quite a bit, most notably (for me) the Macromedia MX Suite rollout! I liked the design of the icons all the way to the load screens. I don't like the new version; back to boring. But this is a cycling blog, so I obviously found something they did relating to cycling. They designed and impletmented (w/ others) the interface for the official Amgen Tour of California site. This thing is hot! I wish we could've had that for the Tour.

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